CrossFit is a general fitness program focuses on improving health and physical condition. CrossFit is stated as “fitness for the elites”! Let's have a look to several CrossFit definitions:
What is CrossFit:
CrossFit is the principal strength and conditioning program for many police academies and tactical operations teams, military special operations units, champion martial artists, and hundreds of other elite and professional athletes worldwide. Our program delivers a fitness that is, by design, broad, general, and inclusive. Our specialty is not specializing.
On Wikipedia:
CrossFit is the trademarked name for a physical fitness program that is marketed by CrossFit, Inc. CrossFit Inc. certifies CrossFit trainers and licenses the CrossFit name to gyms.
CrossFit promotes overall physical fitness in terms of cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, agility, balance, coordination, and accuracy. It uses powerlifting, Olympic weightlifting, kettlebells, dumbells, gymnastics rings, pull-up bars, and bodyweight and calisthenics exercises. CrossFit practitioners perform a variety of activities including running, rowing, skipping, rope climbing, jumping, carrying objects, and quickly moving large loads over long distances.
The CrossFit regimen, which combines weightlifting, sprinting and gymnastics, is used in gyms and by various fire departments, law enforcement agencies, and by military organizations such as the Royal Danish Life Guards.

So CrossFit is an overall method to improve your performance when you practice your sport.
When you google for CrossFit, you will find out some weird readings regarding the clubs. The number of affiliated gyms has grown from 18 in 2005 to over 1,600 in 2010.(Wikipedia). The videos on YouTube show a bunch of dumb guys who are training rudely and quickly in a garage turned into a gym, with bucket to let them puke when required! Have a look to this video: “Andy Petranek: LA Task force ».
After watching it, I thought “Wow, this is like Fight Club!” ( ).
So, how did I get involved into this nightmare? Luis did! Luis is a running buddy from San Francisco ; he is an ultrarunner and an Ironman. He started CrossFit training one year ago and posted trainings and videos on his Facebook wall. Amazing. I thought he had lost his mind! Luis is tough, shaped for rude workouts. I thought that only Luis can practice CrossFit. I asked him for training suggestions, without weight lift, because I was afraid to hurt my back. He gave me a lot of advices and tips.
Now, I am still a CrossFit beginner, but I am feeling stronger and better. The progression is amazing. You can dramatically improve your strength when you begin. So good.
Useful links
Web sites:
Annie (explained by Andy Petranek):
Angie (explained by Andy Petranek):
Andy Petranek: LA Task force
Petranek Crossfit WOD Nasty Girls
What WOD stands for? Workout of the day.
Crossfit Games:
Crossfit for Kids:
Luis' blog:
Luis' CrossFit club: